11 May 2019

Session went well and fell ill on the same day

I had to take session on Monday, a day before my long vacation and I was completely pissed about the entire process, as it had no impact to anyone, and the session was planned entirely to show that one of my team’s manager was proactively monitoring the team. The session went well, and I was stammering here and there, however was able to manage little bit and was explaining the concepts in most confident manner. While this manager was communicating to me, he told me that starting from me, everyone in the team would take session on every week to detail about their unique approach adopted and any other relevant topics to work. However, at end of session he was conveying to the team that this session was completely optional and can be opted by individual who wanted present some unique learnings to the team. I was pissed off even more and while taking the session I was feeling little bit uncomfortable and was down for few hours with headache & fever. To know more about my experiences, continue reading at “G R Team Sites”