20 April 2015

Why Literature?

Has any of the 'writers' among you thought for a while as to why are you writing THAT piece of writing?
Many good authors, directors, artists or for that matter any creative "doer", who earns a great repute in his field, ends his career by "doing"(write/paint..) his own life story or snippets of it..and generally with a tragic end..but, why should we learn about others problems when we have sufficient probs of our own?
Whom is the literature intended at? (putting apart the 'enlightening'ones intended to arouse feelings of patriotism, create awareness etc. ,indeed, these are only a scintilla in the Sense-Binding 'science' of literature)

23 March 2015

Best Place to find partner

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28 February 2015

Happenings to Ancient writers

I want to comment on your affirmation that formerly most writers were employees under kings. You probably had in mind France in seventeenth century, which had a very peculiar situation. I personally study eighteenth-century English literature, and in this period a great many important writers were against the crown. You will find a plethora of different political biases in perusing those writers.
It is nonetheless true that such writers can only express their own view of the world, but we don't need to limit ourselves to a sole writer. You can grasp something of the big picture by reading many writers. And it is actually done: in the eighteenth century social history was not a common form of writing, and modern historians, when they need a closer view of human interactions at that time, have recourse to novels and other literary forms. They read Addison, and Fielding, and Godwin. Literature is indeed one of the few portraits that remain from those times. You are right in saying that the results of such research may be unfair; but this doesn't mean that literature must be completely laid aside as a source of study. Unless you prefer to leave history aside, too, as a worthless activity.
In short, I think you have reasonable doubts, but they shouldn't induce you to take a radical view of the subject. In all fields of scholarship, it is easy and sometimes profitable to criticize methods, but it is very difficult to suggest alternatives.
I hope I have not been disagreeable.

Beauty Blue Island Info

One day I saw in an advertisement written: buy your tickets to the 'Beauty Blue Birds Island'. Many people had been running to get their tickets. They run like wild people trying to get what they had in their minds a long time before: peace, fun and so without having any kind of worry themselves.

More than two thousand peoples were thinking equal each other. They thought the same thing united. Than I took my five sons, my wife, my two little dogs and more three cats and went to join with them!

We traveled on board of an old and a wonder ship to the Beauty Blue Birds Island once that we were beginning to take a little school vacancy. But to my surprise it happened the unexpected: the people madly began to shout and to run everywhere!

There were too many dogs, cats and children that were confused among them. Suddenly, the great ship began sinking slowly and all the people abruptly began screaming at the same time.

Meanwhile some of ours were saved on ten lifeguard boats, until so do I achieved to rescue myself and I got saved my family but I lost all my animals.

After this fatal and tragic adventure I have decided that I will never be guided for other people or any kind of advertisement no more. And I reached a conclusion if I want to rest and to have any peace, it will be better that I just search for it in my own home. Maybe I must look for in my kitchen or in my own bathroom.

I shall not mind with anybody that wants to go where he wants go. All what I want it is just they let me live in peace now.